Friday, December 5, 2008

Santa Babies

Here's a few of the pics of my boys with St. Nick through the years. It's a little sad to see how much they change from year to year- Wonder if they'll still be OK to sit on Santa's knee when their all 15? My Mom and I have tried to drag the babes to the St. George Jubilee of Trees and The Dickens Festival every year where I subject them to long lines and sitting on a strange mans lap for unspecified amounts of time. Gotta love the holidays.
Here is Tuck at 6 months old- December 2005 at Jubilee of Trees. Here's where the tradition started. He loved Santa this first year and posed so nicely...
Tate looks like a sickly troll/elf here- Not the best pic. This was his first Santa sighting at 3 months and he fussed the entire time. December 2006 Dickens Festival. Ahh- the memories
Tucker refused to sit on Santa's lap without Mama this year without screaming- GRRR. Tuck is 18 months old and Tate is 3 months old- and I'm thin! woot. December 2006 Jubilee of Trees (and yes- it was awkward to sit on Santa's lap- can you tell by my grimace?)
I love the Jubilee of Trees Santa the very best. He's so pretty- but we missed him 2007 and this year. Boo.
Tuck and Tate with at the Ward Christmas Party 2006. Tuck's socks are showing and it REALLY bothers me.
Tucker and Tate= Polar Opposites. Tuck was so terrified that you can almost see him turning purple in this pic and Tate was ready to go home with the Man in Red.
It. Was. Awesome. (and I was a very emotional 81/2 month pregnant mother) December 2007 Dickens Festival.
The lighting isn't the best in this pic- Tuck looks blue. But no one is screaming!?! and they're all faced the right direction. Small miracles. Merry Christmas 2008 from the Dickens Festival- and yes- It is the same Santa you're seeing in every picture and we've become quite good friends these last 3 years- I'm thinking of adding him to our will...
We are planning on getting Thaddy's 1st Christmas with Santa pics taken at the Gateway on Saturday- Anyone out there have any suggestions or good experiences there? or am I setting myself up for grief and sobbing on the way home? anywhere else we should try??


Sherion said...

These are so cute. You are funny. I haven't attempted the Santa's lap thing yet, I'm pretty sure my kids would freak out a little. Thanks for the Christmas card and news letter. They are cute. We chose the same layout for the cards. Well we actually have three different sets of cards because there is something wrong with at least one of the pictures on all three cards. I'm just waiting on some stamps so I can send them out.

KristiBT said...

I love, love, love crying Santa pictures. My favorite ones are when Zaden is 4 out of are good to take so many pictures of your kids!

Heidi Hartley said...

Hollie these pictures are so cute. It makes me sad, I actually haven't had the kids' picture taken with santa for years. I'll have to find a good santa this year. Thanks for the inspiration.

DannyHollie said...

How embarrassing- I used the wrong spelling of the word their- It should be they're. I really did graduate with a diploma and everything...