Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Just naming some of the reasons I'm uncharacteristically cheerful and upbeat this time of year.
Christmas Music- All of it! Blaring it from the Day after Halloween until New Years Day. I have an iPod in every room and about 50 different versions of "The Christmas Song". Dan is just about ready to hang himself...
Adding A New Nativity Set To My Collection Each Year- The boys are actually grasping the concept this year a little more and its been fun to talk about the Christmas Story with them. They love to carry Jesus around very reverently and talk about the Stable and his "special bed."
Christmas Candles-Anything Cinnamon or Gingerbread or Pine Tree Scented. Dan is allergic to real trees so I have to make do with a candle scent. It's a bummer, but at least I don't have to vacuum up any pine needles?
Annual Christmas Pics- The stress of finding matching outfits and then matching the pics to the stationary and stickers and then to the stamps for the annual newsletter. Worth the worry? Jury is still out.
The Countdown Calendar- Each day is a little pocket of Christmas Joy. The boys love finding their prize or activity idea for the day. (and who am I kidding- I love counting down every day too)

Decorating The Tree- This year we went with the "non-breakable" and "child-proof" decorating approach... Only the crochet snowflakes made the cut this year and they're all strangely gravitating around the lower half of the tree. Hmmm
Christmas Jammie's- I know you're supposed to wait until Christmas Eve- but they're so cute that I just had to break the rules!

Temple Square- the lights, the chaos, the hot cocoa, the freezing appendages, the crowds and the canned music blaring from the speakers. Nothin' better!

The Gingerbread houses- sticky and frustrating and always half as attractive as the one on the box. ( and yes- We decorated it on the floor- That way I can just mop up all the mess and not be upset when all the icing ends up smeared everywhere but on the house. The boys LOVED placing the candies one by one in strategic places... Very artistic.

Just a few of the things that make the bitter cold of December totally worth it. I Love The Holidays and every cliched tradition there is. Merry Christmas!!


Heather said...

Great picture's Hollie! You are a good Mom. It's funny how exhausted we get doing all this stuff for our kids but how rewarding it is because they love it. This is a magical time when your kids are young. I wish all my kids were as excited as Logan is :) Where does the time go?

Heidi Hartley said...

How fun Hollie. Isn't it a great time of year! Everything is fun and exciting. I need to think of a fun January tradition...I'm always blue after the excitement is over. Cute pictures Hollie.

Jenn and Mike said...

Love it all the way around!