Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yes- There's More

The Fabulous Five

Dan and Hollie- Tucker, Tate and Thad Jewkes

The Jewkes Family- November 2008

My Beautiful Baby Boys

I know, I know- You're all thinking-"More Pictures"- "Seriously?"
But here is our latest batch- an attempt at Family Christmas Pics. There are quite a few of the boys that turned out pretty well- and a precious few of all of us together. Dan and I just couldn't quite pull off the pics this time- either I was making an odd face or looking a bit to chubby or he was pulling a goofy look or had his eyes closed. Oh well- At least the boys look good!!

Thanks to Nicole Bulkley for yet another great photo session. Even with sleep deprived and freezing cold babies- we got some great shots. I have to admit I am a photo junkie- I'm desperate to capture every phase these precious babes of mine go through (if not as desperate to capture every awful phase I've gone through- baby fat, bad hair, dark circles under my eyes and all...)

They just seem to change and grow so fast- It's heartbreaking to think that someday all I'll have are these pictures to remind me of my darling little boys. This is why I spend gobs and gobs of money on pictures every month. To stave off the inevitable heartache...


Annie said...

You are so good about getting pictures taken. These family ones are darling. I love them. What a cute family. I'm loving your hair dark!

Unknown said...

Hey cutie! These are so adorable! Where did you get the boys clothes? I love them! (Are you addicted to Gap like I am?)
You guys make me want to get my pics taken! Love ya!

Hilarie said...

Keep 'em coming! I love them! Luke thought I did too many pictures, but I'm with you that you can't have too many. Which reminds me... I need to post the past couple photo sessions we did.

Heidi Hartley said...

What a cute family Hollie. You guys all look great!