Friday, November 14, 2008


*8 Shows I Watch*
-Private Practice
-The Office
-Pushing Daisies
-Sesame Street
-Bob the Builder

*8 Favorite Restaurants*
(not an awful lot of options in Cedar...)
-Olive Garden
-Ruby Tuesdays
-Pizza Factory
-McDonald's (or anywhere with a playground for the kids)

*8 Things That Happened Yesterday*
-Tuck went to preschool
-Tate got the flu- all over the living room sofa
-Thad said "MAMAMAMA" for the 1st time
-I got the flu all over the kitchen floor
-wasted WAAY too much money and time on iTunes
-dishes, laundry and scrubbed toilets
-dug out all the outdoor Christmas decorations
-went to bed with fever and chills

*8 Things I'm Looking Forward To*
-Twilight Movie
-Girls Weekend in Vegas
-Jodi visiting for Thanksgiving
-getting over this flu!!
-The Holiday rush at the Salon-
-Thad sleeping through the night without a "comfort" bottle
-Tucker getting potty trained- ideally without any involvement from me :)

*8 Things On My Wish List*
-to be finished with all my Christmas shopping NOW
-carpets professionally cleaned
-Swedish massage
-to sleep in (without guilt)
-4th baby (BOY please!)
-new laptop
-king size electric blanket

*8 Things I Love*
-my 3 baby boys
-warm fluffy towels straight from the dryer
-thick chunky sweaters and wool socks
-scalding hot showers
-iTUNES and AudioBooks
-my afternoon naps with the boys. 2:00-5:30 every day- Heaven.

*8 Things I Can't Stand*
-wet socks
-dirty sheets
-unsolicited advice
-news radio / talk radio
-reality TV
-finding and mating socks
-dusty furniture
-WHINING- This is a new one the boys have discovered recently


Sherion said...

I'm sorry you guys have the flu.