Monday, November 10, 2008

Daddy's Office

The boys love going to visit Dan at work. Every time we get in the car- Tuck begs to go to "The Office" and Tate screams "Daddy's Work!" They love getting suckers and smarties from the tellers and running around the lobby and meeting new people. They make a huge mess with their sticky candy fingers, get WAY too riled up, climb on every surface available and sob when we have to leave. Here's some shots of them making a scene and loving every minute of it. Thad, however, is well behaved, polite and stays right where I leave him. Gotta love the Car Seat...

I had just gotten Dan's other office across town all decorated and snazzy when he transferred half of his time spent at work over to the Providence Branch to take over as Manager. I now have another blank slate to decorate and I'm on a shopping frenzy for more "manly" picture frames, plants, and doo-dads. I guess it's a good thing we get our pictures taken like 3 times a month so there's plenty of pics to fill up Dan's two offices. :)


Ashley said...

I love their outfits! That is how I would dress my kids. I think it is so fun to see families in matching outfits.

Jenn and Mike said...

Your kids aren't the only ones! My kids always seem to go biserk when I visit Mike's work! Sometimes I hate going! Oh well!

Luke said...

I love the outfits, too. Bonus of having boys, right. By the way, I kept meaning to comment on your last post. I'm so sorry to hear of your miscarriage. I had one as well before we got pregnant with Craig. It was REALLY hard for me. We've got you guys in our prayers. AND I'm glad to see you posting again.