Friday, October 24, 2008

Tricks and Treats

Here's my sweet babes in their Halloween Costumes. Halloween is probably my LEAST favorite holiday- just cuz I don't like creepy or scary stuff AT ALL- but I am loving the cute costumes and dressing up the boys for Trick and Treating purposes. (and who can dislike Halloween candy?) It will be a sad, sad day for me when they decide they want to be skeletons, or vampires or Freddie Kruger...

Happy Halloween!


Heidi Hartley said...

Cute boys Hollie. You always have such cute pics of them. Those costumes are great too.

Heather said...

I love the costumes. I must be weird because I like the witch and dracula stuff. I found a really cool wedding dress and veil at savers and Sabrina is going as dracula's bride. I know you now think I'm even nuttier :) Last year Logan was lightening McQueen-it was so cute. One year we were all star wars characters-it was fun. Usually we are fun things like last year I was Eliza Dolittle from My Fair Lady. Sabrina was a fairy, Landon was a ninja, Logan will be batman this year-so I'm usually normal :)

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute!! I love to get my kids pics taken, its such a challenge, but it always turns out so good!!!

Jenn and Mike said...

Your kids costumes are just adorable! Kudos!

Hilarie said...

I LOVE the candy theme. You are such a cute mom! I'm with you on not liking the creepy stuff, but I love the fun pumpkins, and cute stuff, too.

hecklerwife said...

It turned out so cute! Makes me want some Jr. Mints. I think I might change Ava's costume now. My sister bought her the cutest princess dress, and it really fits her little personality.

Ashley said...

Those are the best costumes ever! I might have to steal that idea about 10 years down the road when I have kids! They look so cute, and HAPPY!

Katie said...

Holly, these are the cutest little candy boys, ever! Where did you find those adorable costumes?!! You are such a great Mommy and it shows in your boys faces. SO CUTE! I miss you.