Friday, October 10, 2008

Thaddy Brother

Quarterback or Linebacker?

Here's Thad's other Collage that I had done for his 6 mos. I think this one turned out pretty cute as well. He doesn't look as much of a big boy in these ones- He still has that "Baby Look" to his face- which I'm glad about. They grow up too stinkin' fast!!

Interesting little tidbit though- This little romper Thad is wearing is an 18 month size and it fits him pretty darn well- a little long on the sleeves but still passable and Tucker still wears it to school. Yes- You read that right. Thad is weighing in at 19 pounds (as of his 6 mos. check up), Tate is a whopping 29 pounds (as of his 2 year check up) and Tucker is still a measly 22 pounds (as of his 3 year check up). My poor Tuck is now getting "hand-me-ups" from his younger brothers. This whole sharing clothes thing to save money is really NOT working out. Any suggestions on how to fatten up a 3 year old?


Unknown said...

Hey, just feed him icecream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! My Maclain is a tank, all he does is eat, eat, eat! At least they can all share the same clothes, just buy 3 of the same size!

Scott and Haley said...

Holly I am learning from your example. You are great to comment on my blogs. I am quilty of just being a blog looker. I don't comment much. So thanks for your example! Your boys are so cute. I hope all is well in Cedar. We will be up in SLC for Christmas so hopefully we will be able to see you guys at the party.

Heather said...

Yes, I admit it-I stole your wiget-sorry. We are huge fan's of the Nightmare before Christmas Show. I went to buy it last year and couldn't find it anywhere and was excited they release it again. I love how they decorate the Haunted Mansion up like this at Disneyland it's neat.

deleted said...

Hey, I saw on Becky's blog you commented about buying your son a fisher price camera. Anyway, I would suggest buying a disney one from best buy. They are little, digital ones that you can upload the pics to the camera. The only catch is even though it is digital you can't see the pics until they are uploaded. Anyway, we bought one for our daughter when she was 4 and she loves it, then she can take her own pics!

Sherron said...

Hollie your boys are so stinkin cute! I wish you lived closer or I could come down more! Please give kisses to the boys and tell Danny I am sorry for the late night phone call a while back! I was really tired and didn't realize that I had dialed his number!!! Please forgive me!?!