Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thaddy Angel Baby

Ride 'Em Cowboy!

Thad is the most fun baby to play with and dress up for pictures. He is so good natured and easy going. I absolutely love this little man. I took him the other day to get some pics taken for his 6 month milestone and he was smiley and cheerful the whole time. (Yes, I realize he is now 7 1/2 months old- but I'm trying- Please give me props for trying at least...)

Thanks to Aunt Becky Butterfield for the cute little cowboy outfit he's wearing- It finally fits him and I was excited to do a different photo shoot with him. It seems like all I ever get pictures of lately are cars and tires or trucks and sports so these Cowboy pics were a breath of fresh air. He LOVED riding on the rocking horse and kept making the funniest faces! If the rocking horse looks a little worse for wear, it's because it was mine as a little girl. My Great-Grandpa Spencer made it for me and it was a much loved toy. The boys now all love riding on it and it's getting A LOT of use.

Funny story though- When we got home from the picture session, Thaddy was snotty and coughing and had broken out in little hives and I was feeling depressed thinking that our head-cold was back to wreak more havoc on the Jewkes family. But then I remembered that we had used hay bales as a cute background for his pics and I didn't even think about allergies. Dan is violently allergic to hay and grass and it looks like Thaddy inherited this allergy!! Poor baby was puffy and miserable and congested all day thanks to his picture happy mother. ( I was soo relieved it was only the hay and not the cold again though- I can totally handle allergies.)

Thad has been such a joy. He is never fussy or unhappy and lights up anytime anyone gives him extra attention. He is wriggling and rolling everywhere and loves to scooch over to his brothers and steal their cars lately. It's hilarious to watch him trying to keep up with his bigger siblings- He always wants to be in the middle of the action and is our little social butterfly. He smiles at everything and loves to giggle and squeal. I can't believe he's 7 1/2 months already. He's growing up so quickly. We love you Thaddy baby!


Heather said...

Your kids are so cute that I want to suck their face--I mean that in a good way. ;) I love to kiss babies! Thad's pictures are cute even though he got a reaction to them-luckily you didn't see it in the photo's. I'm allergic to hay and grass-it's awful. It hasn't been so bad living here in Az. I remember mowing the lawn in Ut and having to stop to take a benadryl and wait half an hour to have my eye swelling go down. I don't get it bad here because the grass is not the same. Also, what a lovely tribute to Dan's grandma. I always get a little emotional hearing about things like this. The older I get the more emotional I get it's weird. Don't worry...I'm sure you're family will say what an awesome Mom you are at your funeral and that's plenty to me. Take Care, Love, Heather

hecklerwife said...

I can't believe how big Thad is getting. What cute faces you got. I love that you used your rocking chair...what a great idea. Now I can't wait to see how Ava's turned out.

Annie said...

Ummm . . . I give you ABSOLUTE props for even attempting to get all the milestone pictures with all your cute boys so close in age. My girls are over 2 1/2 years apart, and I'm proud of myself for getting their yearly pictures! :)

Hilarie said...

Such cute pictures. He looks like such a sweet little boy in his pictures. It's so cool that that can be captured even in pictures.

Unknown said...

You're so lucky to have a calm, content baby! Those pictures are so dang cute! I love getting my boys pics taken, but it is so pricey, and they get so onery! Isn't sad that kids grow sooooo fast?! Everyone tells you how fast they grow, but it goes by way to fast! Maclain is talking so good, and getting so big! I need a baby again!