Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You're It!

I've Been Tagged!
Consider yourself tagged as well if you're reading this...
Two names you go by:
1. Holl-Doll
2. Mama
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. AE ratty pink T-Shirt
2. blue Old Navy fleece sweatpants- I freaking love them and have them in every color!
Two things you ate today:
1. Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop-Tarts- my most recent craving...
2. Cafe Rio Pork Salad- Dan cooked
Two things you did last night:
1.Watched "Greek" on ABC Family- Yes! I'm a lame 13 year old girl- I know- but I'm totally hooked!
2. Finished Thad's baby cross-stitch (finally)
Two things you want very badly at this moment:
1. New bedding/comforter/pillows/coverlet/dust ruffle to go with my new bedroom furniture
2. My nails re-done- They're all covered in paint and grime
The last two people you talked to:
1. Todd
2. Danny
Two things you are doing tomorrow:
1. Home Depot trip- paint and supplies to redo the Master Bath this weekend
2. Working all night at the Salon- Colors and Cuts
Two longest car rides:
1. Utah to Arizona with screaming kids for Thanksgiving 2006- getting stuck for like 3 hours at Hoover Dam. Grrr
2. Utah to South Dakota with a 6-week old nursing Tucker -2005
Mount Rushmore was SOO not worth it.
Two favorite beverages:
1. Life Water- The pink one
2.G2-Gatorade- The purple one


Heather said...

Hey thanks for doing the tag. I read your blog all the time and just don't comment because I'm busy, so don't think I don't love you :) I'm glad you're into blogging. I can't believe no one else in the family does it-crazy!