Tuesday, September 30, 2008



We have all been enduring our first miserable head cold of the season as a family (and not very well I might add.) The older boys have had drippy noses and loud chesty coughs, I've got a miserable sore throat and congestion and Dan's illness has now turned into the full on Flu. BLECH.
Poor Thaddy though- I thought he was doing quite well and that he was getting over his little sniffles- (I've kept him quarantined in his own room so he wouldn't get as ill) but when I went in to check on him the other night, he was burning up with a *103 temperature!!! Well Done Hollie. So I rushed him to the Doctors office early the next morning and the sweet little man has a double ear infection. I am officially the worst mother ever. Poor Baby- He never fusses or cries or lets on if he's uncomfortable so I had no flipping idea that he was in such pain. Thank goodness for the high temperature or I probably would've neglected his ears to the point of permanent damage. He must have a pretty high pain threshold (unlike his whiny father)- and I'm sure that comes from my gene pool...
Thank goodness for antibiotics, ear drops, Nyquil and Vick's VapoRub. What did people do before drugs and pain meds? I'd have gone crazy!! The boys now know to lay down on their pillows before I put them down for naps or bedtime so I can suck out their noses, rub them down with Vicks, give them each a squirt of Afrin and dope them up on decongestant and Tylenol. It's a whole efficient routine we've got down now. The whole house smells like Menthol and there are trails of tissues everywhere, the humidifiers are on full blast in each room and Tuck now asks me for more medicine when he starts feeling crummy. I'm soo sick of doing laundry and bleaching everything in sight- I swear we all just keep passing it back and forth no matter how clean I try to keep everything. (Although I do have to admit that I love when the babes are sick cuz they're extra snuggly and just let me love on them all day.) Dan doesn't handle sickness very well, so I am the Director of Disease Control and the boys know to come to me with any problems or for sympathy and loves. Dan just hides in the bedroom with earplugs and whines more than the 3 boys combined! And who do I get to whine to? No one is giving me sympathy or loves- Can I be done already?


hecklerwife said...

My girlies have been sick too...it sucks! They both seem to be feeling better, so why wont the dripping from the nose EVER stop??

Ashley said...

Hey Holly! I finally remembered to check your blog. Poor little guys and poor you. I loved the post about your quirks, I was LOL. I also love my hair, and I actaully fixed it this weekend.

Heather said...

I think husbands are babies when it comes to getting sick. Your Thaddy's great pain tolerance comes from the Burton side not the Spencer side because Lane and I can have the SAME cold and he always has it worse than me :) like it's a competition or something. The ONLY thing that works for my kids is dimetap (sp?)It makes them drowsy though, but they need the sleep to get better I think. Someone told me that nasal sprays are not good for you and are addicting---maybe that's an old wives tale? Anyway, I hope you all get better!

DannyHollie said...

The Dimetapp and Benedryl riles my boys up and I've heard that about Afrin as well- but as addicted to Binkies as my boys are- I've got to do something so they can breathe through their noses or they're all crying all night cuz they can't suck on their binks and breathe!