Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tatey Brother


I absolutely love our photographer here in Cedar. Story Book Portraits constantly has new cute ideas and they are all so patient with my boys (and me dragging the kids in like 3 times every month). Here are a few of Tate's 2 year old pics. They captured his personality perfectly. He's always such a pill when we are trying to snap his photo- but he is really quite photogenic and after all the fits and fights, we usually end up with some cute shots...

He is obsessed with Trains and Tires lately and these collages are perfect to remember this phase in his childhood.

He's either destined to be a Train Engineer or to work at Jiffy Lube...


Luke said...

such cute pictures. I bought that blue & yellow stripped shirt for our little Craigy, I love it!

hecklerwife said...

Really cute pics...and the outfits are perfect. I need to get Ava's 2 year old pics done!

mkchilds said...

So cute pics!!! I totally think he looks just like that just me??? I think he has more than just Jewkes in him!!

DannyHollie said...

Yes- Tate is just like Brad. He's got the most Burton in him out of all my boys and he's curious and mischevious just like Braddy was. Love this boy!!

Unknown said...

He's so cute! All of them are! It was fun to see you guys. We should do it more often. I think your blog is very cute as well. I need to take some lessons!
Love, Amy