Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Odd Couple

Quirks and Oddities -TAG

Now before I spew hot molten crazy all over you our friends and family- please remember that you like me and Dan despite our quirks...


1- I have to sort out all my candy (M&M's, skittles, starbursts) by color and then have an equal amount on both sides of my mouth. I can't have one blue skittle and two yellow on the other side of my mouth- DRIVES ME CRAZY! If there is an uneven amount either in color or number, I give the rest away or bite it in half so that I am "fair" to both sides of my mouth.

2- Everything in my house in sorted by size, shape and type. For example- my closet is sorted and clothes hung by type and size- camisoles, tanks, layers, t-shirts, short sleeves, 3/4 sleeve, button downs, long sleeves, turtlenecks, sweaters, sweatshirts, wraps and cardigans and so on. I also sort by color starting with all white, cream, yellow, tan, orange, pink, red and continuing the rainbow on. Every drawer and cupboard follows this system- including the kitchen and food products. I can't have anyone help with the laundry- obviously.

3-I DO NOT function without a strict schedule. I have a set time and order for EVERYTHING we do every day. Breakfast,Playtime, Lunch, Nap, any activities and Dinner are all the same every day without fail. Vacations and day trips are really hard for me- I don't fly by the seat of my pants and struggle when things are not in my total control. It sends me into a spiral of panic and irritability. (This quirk obviously is really hard with the addition of children and a hopelessly erratic husband.)

4-I have to sleep completely straight in my bed- none of this crazy sideways stuff. I have to have my sheets and blankets perfectly straight and my head in the middle of my pillow. My arms and legs have to be perfectly straight as well and I get really ornery if Dan invades my nice straight space.

5- I like everything to be symmetrical- obviously an Interior Designers nightmare. I have to have my bed in the middle of my room and my dressers and furniture centered exactly in each room- Things drive me crazy if I can see that they aren't centered -I even sit on the same couch cushion every night centered perfectly in front of the T.V. and coffee table. I don't worry about photo collages but furniture, rugs and hwere I am situated has to be centered.

6- I hate not seeing the lines in the floor from the vacuum. I probably go over the carpet like 4 times a day making sure that no one thinks I don't clean my floors. I really need a new vacuum come to think of it...

7-I can't NOT finish a movie. Even if it's one I've seen a million times- It has to be finished in my head before I can turn off the T.V. This makes for very late evenings...

8- I organize my cleaning products by how often they are used, effectiveness and smell and by each room they are used in. There is a specific basket for each room, mess and project.

9-My kids and I have to always match when we go out- If I'm wearing a red blouse and jeans- Then so will they. Church has proven to be very troublesome- I have to buy a new dress every time I find a cute outfit for the boys. Dan HATES this one.

10-I pick up the mood of any show I'm watching- If the main character is angry or upset- Then so shall I be. Dramas and Tragedies are terrible and I always take out the mood on Dan. Following a sitcom or series is really hard on Dan cuz if one episode ends badly- I'm guaranteed to be in a bad mood til the next episode airs and issues are resolved.


1- Danny has to shower at least 4 times a day. He cannot stand to feel dirty or smell at all. He gets out of bed and showers, goes to work, comes home for lunch and showers, comes home at night, showers and then showers again before bed. This makes for TONS of laundry and multiple outfit changes, but at least he always smells nice...

2- Dan cannot fall asleep without rubbing his feet together over and over. It is so flipping annoying.

3- Dan cannot and will not go to pot luck dinners or ward dinners without having eaten first. He is convinced that no one keeps their house and kitchen clean and won't eat anyone else's food. EVER.

4- He goes on MAJOR food jags. He will pick a snack or food and eat it for every meal straight for like 3 weeks and then never ever touch it again. Right now it's Oreo Cookies- Entire packages. We've already gone through Goldfish, Fruit Roll-ups, Gushers, Ritz crackers, licorice and the entire collection of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

5- He can't fall asleep without the T.V. on- no sound or particular channel, just the flickering screen.

6- Cannot stand the thought or sight of spit-up. Totally fine with vomit and poop- just not baby spit-up.

7- If we try a restaurant and he has a bad experience or the food was sub-par, we will NEVER go back. I have a one shot chance of any food establishment and then I'm out of luck.

8- He is a hopeless closet chick flick lover and when I come in late at night from work, I will often see him snuggled on the couch watching "Notting Hill", "Return to Me" or the likes.

9- No matter how warm it is or what time of year- Dan loves his hoodies, sweatpants and wool socks and has to wear them to bed every night. He is like my own personal space heater.

10- Cannot make it through a meal without like 12 cokes. He eats very little but downs more liquid than the rest of the family put together.

We are so ODD! I thought this was a cute tag- and I was hard pressed to narrow us down to 10 quirks each. They say your idiosyncrasies get worse with age- If that's true, then Heaven help us!


Luke said...

I read this alone and seriously started laughing out loud. Those quirks are awesome. I don't know if I can ever look at you the same again. :) Okay, so I think you should teach classes on organizing, I can't believe that even with 3 small boys you keep things color-coordinated as well. Luke is a closet chic-flicker, too. I think I'll have to post some of our quirks, too. So fun, thanks for sharing!

Sherion said...

This is hilarious! Wow your house must be so clean and orginized. How do you do it? Oh and I love the sidebar with all of the cute things your kids say.