Monday, September 22, 2008

Melon Days


We packed up the boys and the Jeep for a fun filled weekend in Green River, Utah. Where is Green River you ask? Just point your car east and keep heading into the sunset .

Every year, Dan's side of the family (The Fails) get together for food, fun and baseball tournaments. Eastern Utah is known for cranking out some really good ball players and Dan likes to pretend he is one of them. Green River is also known for excellent watermelon- thus the name "Melon Days". There is a cute little parade and fair and LOTS of baseball to watch and melon to eat.
The boys had a great time watching the parade floats (tractors and 4 wheelers with streamers) and gathering up candy that people threw from their cars. It was fun to hang out with all the Fail cousins and catch up with all the family stories and news. The fair had some cute booths and activities for the boys to enjoy and then it was off to the ball fields.
Go "Wood Butchers"!!
The Fail team did pretty well this year- with some awesome injuries to show for it. Dan pulled a ham string and ripped up his knee sliding into 3rd and is now nursing his injuries on our couch at home. He can barely walk to the fridge and back... The baseball tournaments go all day and all night and depending on how well your team plays- You get put in higher brackets and literally exhaust yourself playing back to back games sometimes as late as 4 in the morning! The Fail boys get really into it and I'm pretty sure Dan wants to pass on this passion onto our boys. It was actually the first time we've packed up all the babes for this family tradition and I'm glad we made the trek eastward. We don't see our Jewkes and Fail relatives as often as Dan would like and it was great to be surrounded with people who all look and laugh just like my Danny.
It was a fun weekend and an excellent way to end the Summer.