Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Eating My Words

Top 15 Things I never thought I'd say (or have to say) as a Mother

* We don't play in the garbage can.

* Tate- Don't sit on the baby's head.

* Get the dead cricket out of your mouth.

* We don't bite the Nursery leader.

* Toilets are not for washing our hands in.

* We keep our pants on when we are at Church.

* We don't scream during prayer-time.

* Books are not for eating.

* No- You cannot take the remote control to bed with you.

* We don't throw up our food when we don't like it- just spit it out please.

* Play-Doh is for outside or in your high chair- not for grinding into the carpet.

* Juice boxes are not for squeezing at each other, they are for drinking.

* No Tuck- Plastic bags are not scary.

* Cars drive on the ground, not in Mommas hair.

* Crayons are not for coloring on the sofa- They are only for coloring books.

When did I become this woman??


Hilarie said...

That is awesome, I sooo relate. Maddy doesn't just sit on Craigy's head she lays on him and smoothers him. I hate it. How do you get it to stop.

KristiBT said...

BOYS! I love it! I'm sure you'll have some great ones as they get older too..."we don't jump off the roof"..."we don't hold on to the bumpers of cars on our skateboards"...those are a few of mine...