Saturday, September 13, 2008

Whoopidee Doo- Tatey is 2

Tate Daniel Jewkes
September 13, 2006

2 years ago today, Tate Daniel came into the world red and screaming and 9 pounds of stubborn baby boy joy. I can't believe that he is 24 months already. Time has flown for our middle child and he is well adjusted and on his way to being the best of the "Terrible Twos". We got off to a rocky start- Tate and me, but he has quickly become someone I can't live without. He came so fast and is wired so much differently than Tuck that I really struggled with after he was born and we didn't get the bonding time we needed. It took me a while to figure this independent little soul out! I had a really hard time with Postpartum Depression also, so the two of us really didn't get the snuggling and cuddling and bonding down until we were about a year into our relationship. He is so much like me that we really do butt heads a lot- he has a bubble around him, hates to be touched and hugged unless he initiates it and wants to do things his own way on his own time frame but he is so much fun to play with and tease and kiss on. He is sweet and affectionate in his own way and I love my Tate the Great. In honor of the 27 minutes that he took to get here-( without warning or Epidural)- I am going to name 27 things that I love about my 2nd born.

1- He squeals with joy every time I open the door to get him out of bed and says "HI!" He loves to jump up and down inside his "tent" and show me his tricks.

2- He is in love with Thad and can't stand to hear him cry. He comes to tell me "baby cwying" every time now and tries to make him feel better by sharing his cars or blankets.

3- He loves anything with tires and can't stop himself from touching every filthy tire/car in the parking lot. He always has black hands and filthy clothes.

4-He loves to peel and eat bananas but squeezes them so hard that they turn into mush usually before he can get them into his mouth.

5-He loves his Daddy more than anything- but calls him Mama. Anyone who is the least bit maternal gets the "mama" treatment.

6-He adores Tucker and wants to do absolutely EVERYTHING that he does. He sobs every time Tuck gets on the bus and leaves him for preschool.

7-He loves "Cars" the movie and could watch it repeatedly- I now have every line memorized. He does as well but still gets excited at the dramatic parts and asks "whas dat"?
8-He loves to go outside and look at the stars and sing "Twinkle, Twinkle" with hand actions- So flipping cute.

9-He has finally figured out to give smoochey kisses and demands them from everyone.
10-He loves to smile for the camera and gives the best cheeser smiles.

11- He loves to dance with mama and "shake his booty"- which consists of him bending over and wiggling. Hilarious.

12- He is fascinated with belly-buttons and every time there is a diaper change or bath, he pokes every ones belly button and screams "DING-DONG!"

13-He is obsessed with baby dolls lately and is getting his very own to love on for his Birthday (despite all his fathers protests)

14- He HATES getting his teeth brushed and the second I get the brush in his mouth, he bites down on it so hard that I can't get it back out. All his teeth are going to fall out...

15- Anytime he doesn't want to do something, he shouts "NO WAY" and runs the other direction.

16- He doesn't really walk- Tate prances. He bounces around on the balls of his toes everywhere he goes and swings his arms like a miniature gorilla. So cute!

17- He is terrified of the shower and cries every time I get in- convinced that I've left him- crying " Mama-come back!"

18- He loves to help brush my hair and says "pretty"

19-He is a very good eater and never fights me on tasting new things. So funny though- he hates if his cookie or cracker is broken or cracked and won't eat it. He says "bwoken" and demands a new whole snack with no broken edges.

20- He has never taken a Binky, but LOVES his bottles of milk in the morning. He still does the sign for his "milks" and lays down on his pillow and watches Sesame Street. It's his morning ritual and he hates if it is disrupted.

21- He is a whiz at puzzles and lacing cards- and figures them out all on his own- (usually while I'm trying to get Tucker to figure them out)

22- Now when he needs attention or extra loves, he comes up to me and says "I sad" and climbs into my lap for a snuggle. I love that he cuddles with me now.

23- He is an excellent sleeper- 8 to 9 every day without fail and he naps in the afternoon as well. He never fights sleeping either- always happy to trot off to his crib. He waits at the door for me and then holds his hands up for me to help him into bed. He has his lovey and his taggie blanket and snuggles right in for sleep.

24- He always has some sort of stick or hammer or wand in his hand- without fail. He doesn't use them for anything, but he insists on having one glued in his fist.

25- Tate is the most fun child to tickle and tease. He squeals and giggles and laughs on cue.

26- I think he is a beautiful little man and has the prettiest blue eyes of all my boys. He is going to be a heart breaker.

27- Tate LOVES puppies. He pants like them and howls and barks anytime he sees one. He isn't the least bit afraid of them and attacks any puppy we happen to come across. It's so funny to watch him chase the poor dogs and poke them in the ears and eyes.

Tate is curious and precocious and can figure out anything given enough time- He fights me on everything he can and has his own mind but he is going to go places!

We love you Tatey Brother and can't imagine our family without you. You are a sweet, fun-loving, curious little man and we can't wait to see what you will become.


Luke said...

(This is actually Hilarie) He is sooo cute. I can't wait till we can see him & little Thad, too. You amaze me Holly. I feel like I'm going crazy with 2 under 4 and you have three, wow, bravo!

Annie said...

Happy #2, Tate! Loved hearing the highlights on his spunky, darling little personality. I can't believe he came in 27 minutes. That's divine!