Sunday, September 7, 2008


So Very Penitent

So- I feel a little bad about my hateful rant last night. I love my hubby and he is a marvelous companion and daddy. The boys love him and they have so much fun watching sports and "bonding" with him. They all love cheering and throwing pillows at the T.V. with Dan. If sports is the way to get closer to your kids then so be it. It's not like I don't have my own obnoxious obsessions. Speaking of which- I totally ordered a new bedroom set to get back at him. EEK!! I haven't told him yet and it's all getting delivered on Saturday. Hopefully there is a REALLY good game on so we can breeze through the whole "I ordered new furniture without your knowledge" thing. I think I have a little bit to repent of- Maybe? But it's really pretty and we totally needed one- so I'm not that awful of a wife am I? Yup- I am.
Now I need to repaint the bedroom and buy all new decorations to match- This should keep me busy right up through the end of the Football season. Fair Trade? At least I won't be whining at Dan to turn off the T.V....


Brady and Angie said...

Can I just say how much I LOVE your new bedroom furniture!! It’s gorgeous!! It’s going to be so cute!! Can’t wait to see it!!

Heather said...

Cute furniture. I laugh when I read your blog about the football stuff-I totally agree. I'm soooooo glad that Lane's not into sports. We went on the ward camp out this past weekend and all the men were listening to the game and a lot of families left early so they could get home to watch football. The camp site was 3 hours away-CRAZY!--When are we ever going to get any other family members part of this??? I talked to Diane yesterday because of Gary's birthday and she told me that she looks at my blog-I was surprised-no one ever leaves comments...I love blogging because I can see your family grow etc... hopefully one day. Take care.

hecklerwife said...

That is really cute. I can't wait to see how it turns out. See you tonight.
