Monday, September 1, 2008

7 Year Itch?

The Best Labor Day Weekend Ever

Danny proposed to me 7 years ago today. I can't believe that its been that long since we agreed to be stuck with each other for all eternity!

Dan and I met at CEU (College of Eastern Utah) in Price while I was finishing up my Associates Degree and going full time to Beauty School. I was always too scared to go to a bigger college and didn't really have huge education aspirations at the time, so a small town and a 2 year degree combined with a trade seemed just right for me. It was January 2001, and I was still in mourning for my high school boyfriend/missionary who had just left on his mission. Dan actually got home from his mission the same day that I sent my missionary out- so that worked out quite nicely huh? We were set up by his brother and the rest is history. Dan always says he knew we were going to get married from our first date. I took a bit longer to figure things out, send back a promise ring and "Dear John" a poor boy- but I came around eventually... The summer that I moved home was really hard on both of us and I couldn't wait to move back to Price (crazy, I know) and be with Dan all the time again. We were pretty much inseparable by now and I knew it was just a matter of time before we made things official. We had actually gone ring shopping and all that fun stuff before I had moved home for the summer and I had picked out the exact ring that I wanted. Well- while I was away, Dan decided that he didn't like it enough and went ahead and designed a COMPLETELY different ring than what we (I) had decided on and I was a little bit bitter and worried that he picked out something awful and tacky for me. After I had moved back into the dorms and school had started back up and everything, Dan and I decided to visit the fam over the Labor Day weekend in SLC. I knew that the proposal was coming and wanted my ring so I could show everyone but Dan was in a mood for teasing and told me that the ring was still being worked on and that I'd have to announce the engagement without a ring. Being a bratty 20 year old, I pouted and wouldn't talk to Dan as we packed up the truck and got ready to leave town.
Poor Dan- setting precedent for the rest of our marriage, gave in and pulled off the side of the road, had me reach in his pocket and knelt down in front of the Tucker dorms and gave in to my first (of many) temper tantrums. Yes- He proposed to me on the side of the road with cars honking at us to move out of the way and me still pouting. Now most would consider this a little unromantic- but it is totally Danny and fits us perfectly. (I was still worried that the ring would be awful, so without opening the box, I said yes, kissed my fiance and scurried back in the truck before we incited any more road rage.)

Dan actually did a fantastic job on my ring and I can't picture anything more fitting or beautiful than what he designed and gave me. He knew me better than I even knew myself and found the perfect unique design for me. I love my Dan and I'm so happy that he decided to put up with my sour mood swings forever. :)
After getting to SLC- we announced the engagement and celebrated. When we went over to the Spencer's to share the big news, my Aunt Brittney brought over her wedding dress just for me to try on and it was picture perfect. What a special thing to share with family. I'm so grateful that she let me borrow her beautiful gown (and that I was thin enough to fit into it)! So all in one weekend, I got my man, my ring and my wedding dress.

Pics of me and Jodi modeling my dress Labor Day weekend 2001. I actually have a waistline and a jawline to boot!

Here we are 7 years later and I'd still choose Dan over anyone else. I love this man and the wonderful little life we've made together. I did demand that he move me away from Price as soon as we were through with school- but that was my last big tantrum (hee hee) and it's been wedded bliss ever since!

p.s. Tucker is named after the dorm that we got engaged in front of- Just a little bit of trivia for you all!


Heather said...

Happy Anniversary! Wow 7 years- I can't believe it. Time goes by so quickly!

English 402 said...

Glad to hear you guys are doing good. Congradulation.


Brady and Angie said...


I just love engagement stories and it was so fun to read yours and see your cute pictures!! You guys have to be one of the cutest couples I have ever met!!