Friday, August 29, 2008

Rip Roarin Good Time

Horses, Roller Coasters and Cotton Candy

We went out to the Parowan County Fair and Rodeo tonight and had a really good time. Unfortunately, I forgot my Camera and had to rely on my good friend Susie to email a few pics for me to post. We got there just in time to watch the last half of the "kiddie" portion of the Rodeo and watch little ones wrestle goats and stuff. It was really cute- but some of the kids were so tiny, it made me a little nervous to see them riding such huge horses! The boys loved looking at the horses, cows and bulls and then we made our way over to the little traveling Carnival that had set up in the parking lot. The boys had a blast riding the carousel, and tiny roller coaster and then Tuck convinced me to take him on the Ferris Wheel. I thought he'd be too nervous, but he loved it and squealed every time we went around. I had to literally drag him away- he wanted to go on every ride there. Tatey and Thad were asleep on their feet before the night was out and we kept the boys out WAAY past their bedtime.

Not my most attractive pose- but the boys were having such a good time they were wiggling and sliding around on the horses. I was so nervous that they were going to fall off that I braced myself against the two horses and held on to them for dear life.

It was a nice evening spent with friends and giving the boys a new experience. Thanks to Tyler and Susie Knudsen for inviting us out- It would have been just another quiet Thursday night if left to our own devices...