Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Growing Pains
Tucker started Preschool yesterday and I'm devastated. I can't believe he is already going to school without me. Yes- I know it's only preschool for 3 hours every other day- but I'm still so sad about it! He was so excited though. He couldn't hardly wait to get out of bed and get "dwessed". He helped pick out his outfit and shoes for the day and wouldn't take off his new backpack for anything. It was really fun trying to clip him into his high chair and car-seat with his huge pack on. He was so antsy he hardly ate anything for breakfast and then stood right next to the back door until I was ready to take him. From now on, He'll have a school bus pick him up and drop him off- but I couldn't' t bear the thought of sending him to his first day of school alone- so I drove.
Three Peaks Preschool
He has a really cute teacher "Mrs. Carowyn" who is affectionate and patient and sweet as can be- so I don't feel too worried about that, and then he has a physical therapist, speech therapist and occupational therapist to help him get over his hang-ups and help him catch up with other kids his age. He's been working with these 3 therapists for the last year and a half- so there were some familiar faces for both of us. I'm really excited to see the progress he will make- I'm sure he'll try harder and learn a lot without Mama there to coddle and let him get away with not doing his exercises. It was hard to leave him there, but he didn't even notice me sneak out the back door. I helped him hang up his backpack and wash his hands and then he was gone. There were too many cool toys and kids to play with! I stood and watched for a while through the "parents window" to make sure he'd be okay and then took my little broken hearted self back home. I was nervous to let him ride home on a big scary bus by himself, but they have an adorable "preschool size" bus for these little ones equipped with car seats and bus aides to make sure they're all strapped in and safe.

Mothers are funny creatures. We stress and fret over every milestone and accomplishment, worry that they're not learning and developing like they should and then sob when they figure out they're OK without us. I have to admit I have loved having a tiny little boy. He is so little and sweet- It's been fun to stretch out the "Baby Years" a little longer with him. He is still barely 20 pounds as a 3 year old so it's like snuggling and feeding a baby and he's such a Mama's Boy. He never does naughty things like Tate does ( constantly) and doesn't explore or push boundaries without me. I've been spoiled. Tate never really needed me and that was hard for me to get used to after Tuck. He is such a strong, independent little man that he hates to snuggle or have me help him with anything. Tuck is happy to just sit next to me and let me fawn all over him. (which I do) It will be good for both of us to separate a little and have other people work with him. He needs to catch up with the kids around him and hit some milestones. I certainly don't want to cripple him or encourage dependence but I need outside forces to help me. If it were up to me, we'd stay home and snuggle in our jammies all day and I'd never send him anywhere. Preschool will be a good milestone for both of us.

Tatey missed Tuck the whole time he was gone and kept walking around the house saying "Are You?" (Where are you? in Tate-eese)When Tucker got dropped off, we both ran outside to greet the bus and Tate tried to climb in for a ride. He'll have NO problem with school and leaving Mama. Tucker started to cry as soon as he got off the bus and as we began to walk back inside for lunch and I asked him what was wrong. "I want go to Preschool again- Make the bus come back", he says.

Looks like my little Tucker-Bird is ready to leave the nest. (sniff and sob)

I do have to admit that I did call the school twice to see where the bus was EXACTLY because I was getting nervous he wasn't home yet (it had been like 10 minutes since school got out and I was convinced he'd been left or kidnapped) and then I called his teacher to find out how he did and what I need to do to help him. Yes- I know. I'm a Helicopter Mother- hovering over and smothering everything in sight. I can't help it!!

I can't believe my baby is so big. These are his 3 year old pictures and I have to share- :)