Friday, August 22, 2008

Only in Utah

So my Mother is the oldest of 10 children- The youngest of my Uncles (#10) being my exact age. This has made for some interesting conversations and even more interesting life situations. Not every kid has Uncles and Aunts that go to school with you and hang out with your same friends. I mean- we shared clothes, took classes and even graduated from High School together! To put it in perspective, my Mom and Grandma were pregnant at the same time. I was teething along with my Uncle and playing Barbies with my Aunties. Wrap your mind around that one! Explaining to all my friends in High School that Trent was yes- my actual Uncle- not a cousin or brother- was always a kick and having Aunts just a year or two older than me made for some great make-shift "Older Sisters." Now that we have children- It's hilarious and a bit perplexing to try and figure out how we all fit together. Here are some pics with Thad, Olivia, and Elle with Grandma and Grandpa Spencer. Thad is the 3rd Great-Grandchild and Elle and Olivia are Grandchildren. These 3 beautiful babies were all born within a week of each other. How fun it was to go through pregnancy and enter the Baby Phase with my Aunts. Me having children ended up making my Aunts and Uncles ( who are barely older than me) "Greats" before half of them hit 35. My children are the same age as my cousins. CRAZY!! These are priceless pics of a funny situation. I only wish we were closer so my boys could play with their 2nd cousins and get to better know their "Greats".

This is such a fun picture of Thad Owen with Great Grandpa Gary Owen Spencer- Thaddy's namesake- I love my Grandpa and can't think of a better man for my sweet son to emulate. He doesn't look like the Spencer side (at all) but maybe personality will persevere?


Heather said...

Those are great pictures. You guys should go somewhere with your kids like target and get their pictures together.