Sunday, August 3, 2008

So Blessed

Splish-Splash- I was takin' a Bath!
I love Bath-Time- It's a bit chaotic and a lot of sopping wet, but so fun to watch all 3 splashing and playing together. The boys love to "help" wash Thaddy lately and put bubbles all over his face. Dan and I have a great assembly line working for us. It's taken us until boy #3 to perfect it but it's quite an effective system... I bathe and towel them off, he powders and diapers, (yes- all 3 are still in diapers) I lotion and check for scrapes or cuts that need "Curious George Band-Aids", he puts on the onesies and then I put them in clean PJ's. He reads them stories and then I kiss them and put them to bed. Bath-Time is my favorite time of day. I get to kiss and snuggle chubby knees and tummies and it doesn't matter how dirty they get through the day because once they are scrubbed clean and lotioned up, they all have that sweet baby smell.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I am madly in love with my 3 little boys. They are the loves of my life and the reason I get up in the morning (literally). I am grateful every day that these perfect little souls were sent to me. It doesn't matter what mistakes I've made in the past or how rotten of a person that I was- I have the perfect chance to help mold and create men better than me or Danny that will carry on our name and our best traits into the future. I'm terrified that I'm going to screw these angels up, but I'm doing my best to be the kind of Mom that they need and I'm learning so much every day! When I had my first child, Tucker, I thought I couldn't possibly love anyone more than him . He was the most perfect angelic little man I had ever seen and I felt more complete with him than I ever had without. Tuck is so sweet and tender and my little Snuggle-Bug. I pored over every baby book and magazine and was determined to be the best Mama there ever was. When we found out we were expecting Tate, I began to wonder how I would feel about another baby to love- I mean Tuck was only 6 months old at the time and I was still adjusting to one baby! I worried if I would be able to take care of and love more than one as much as I should or could... Would I be able to balance the two- would Tate be as easy to love? Then along came our Tato and my heart grew to hold more love then I ever thought possible- Not that I loved my 1st any less but that I was suddenly able to balance and give enough love to #2. Tate is infuriating and stubborn but is the most fun to play with and teach new things to- He is bright and quick with a laugh and smile.

And now that we have 3- I am just bursting at the seams with love. It took about 5 months after Tate was born to feel like we were all a family but with Thad- he fit right in and we grew to our family of 5 with no growing pains at all. Thad is mellow and easy-going and never fusses unless he needs something. Like I said- I am madly in love with my boys! I never really liked kids and hated baby-sitting as a teenager and honestly felt like I never wanted to have a big family of my own, but now that I've got my 3, I think I could go for 12 more. I love being a Mommy and have finally come into my own now that I have others to think about besides myself. Being a Mommy has helped me become a better version of my old self and hopefully a more patient and kind friend and wife. I am so grateful for my children and to Danny for giving me these sweet little men.

Here are some sweet shots of my boys getting ready for bed. We love our Uncle Todd and we're so glad he's up here in Cedar City going to SUU now- He gets to visit and read stories to Tuck and Tate just about every night and they love him. He spoils our boys rotten and Tuck always asks for his "Unk Todd" when he wants a book read aloud. We love you Uncle Todd!


Heather said...

Hollie, I think you need a few more bath toys-hee hee. It does look like you have your hands full. What good parents you and Dan make.

Annie said...

What a sweet tribute to your boys. They're going to love reading that someday.