Monday, July 28, 2008

Family Pics

I personally think my boys are all so handsome- but you can certainly tell who they got their looks from- Not a Burton gene to be found in any of them! You can thank the Jewkes for their fat heads and prominent noses and the Spencers for the big ears... Yeesh! Let's hope they keep their sweet personalities!

So here are a few of my favorites from our most recent attempt at a family picture- I say attempt because I always picture a romantic outing with the family where the children kiss and hold hands and smile perfectly (that includes Danny) and where I look as good as I did at 19. In reality, the kids were monsters the whole time, screaming and whining, Dan pulled funny faces in just about every shot, and in my head I looked A LOT thinner than I do in real life... They say T.V. adds ten pounds but does that hold true to computers as well? I'd like to think so! We love Nicole Bulkley Photography and her talents with the camera- No one else is as patient and long suffering as she is- and even with screaming babies- She managed to get a few here that turned out really well. Thanks Nicole! You're the Best!


Katy said...

Hollie!! Your family pics are so precious! I wants copies k??

Paul and Heidi Broadbent said...

Hi Hollie-
It's Heidi (Dayton)Broadbent, your 2nd cousin or whatever we are. I can't even think of the last time I saw you, it was long before you were married. You have such a cute little family. I can't believe you already have 3 kids! Hope everything is going well!

Heather said...

Darling pictures!!! You're hair is a lot blonder since I saw you last. You match your boys. You are all so cute. I'm curios to now check out my kids ears-hee hee. I never noticed that before. I just noticed your wedding picture off to the side--I love your winter cover up (whatever that's called) too cute. You always have great idea's.

Annie said...

What a cute family! I love the one at the bottom with you and your boys. So precious.