Sunday, July 27, 2008

Things Are Going Along Swimmingly

Some Pics of us swimming as a family- The boys had a blast playing with Auntie Jo in the water. Dan looks hilarious with his Farmers Tan- it looks like he has a white T-shirt on but NO!- it's just his white white skin...

I signed Tucker and Tate up for Swimming Lessons again this Summer and they both did really well. We signed up through SUU Aquatics and I really enjoyed the One on One time with both boys. I do love having the boys so close together but it is really hard to carve out personal time with each- so the hour alone each day was priceless. I love my boys- They are so much fun to play with and watch as they grow and try new things.

Tucker is such a timid little man- so tiny and frail, but in the water he does so much better. He is getting stronger every day and I'm so proud of him- He tries so hard to catch up with other kids his age. His physical therapist has encouraged us to do as much swimming as possible- it's great for his little muscles without a lot of jarring or chance of injury and he loves jumping off the edge into my arms. It's taken him a while to get brave enough for a lot of the milestones and activities they encourage for his age, but we'll get there.

Tate on the other hand is my brave little soldier. He squirms out of my arms any chance he gets and loves sticking his face under water. He still doesn't understand that you're not actually supposed to drink the pool water but he's doing really well. He is so strong willed and determined. I think he will excel at anything he tries. The only thing he hates is being cold- as soon as we get out of the water- he starts to whine and says "All- Done?" He shivers with his whole body and his little lips turn purple. When the boys are together- Tate helps and encourages Tuck to be braver and try harder things. They are the best of friends and I hope Tate always helps Tuck out.

Thaddy didn't like the water AT ALL. His little legs just kicked and he whimpered until Dan took him out of the pool- We'll have to wait til next summer before we try the swimming again...

The boys are both braver and more open to more challenging things when Dan is in the pool- and I love when he comes swimming with us. I usually strap them down with life-jackets and water wings but Dan let's them float free and try new things. I love my little water babies.

I think their favorite part of the day was snuggling together in the lawn chair and warming up in the afternoon sun- What at precious shot of my 3 baby boys!


Heather said...

Your boys are precious!!!