Sunday, July 27, 2008

Havin' a Ball

Celebrating The 24th With The Spencers

We got to travel up to SLC for the 24th of July and partake in the annual Spencer Family Reunion. It was so great to see everyone and catch up- We don't get to see our family nearly enough! We had a wonderful picnic and enjoyed the warm weather and good company. Later on, my boys loved playing in the park and chasing after their bigger 2nd cousins. We all participated in a rousing game of kickball and enjoyed adorable games that Grandpa Spencer took the time to organize. Then all the men in the family played football and catch while the womenfolk sat and chit-chatted. It was so nice! Here are a few of my favorite shots of the boys playing ball- The football was just about as big as Tucker but he was determined to be a part of the team and Tate loved the Soccer ball- He cried and cried when we had to put it up and go home. I guess I know what to get him now for his Birthday?! His new favorite word is "Ball" and anything that rolls or is throw able is now "Ball-Worthy". Everyone was so patient with my little boys- Grandpa Burton ran bases with Tucker and no one complained when the boys ran every base for both teams and mucked up the entire game. It was great to see everyone and catch up- It was too quick of a trip- but better than none at all...