Saturday, July 19, 2008

All The World Is A Stage

Dan and I posing with Shakespeare before the play begins. In our "goin' out clothes"- for a night out on the town.Dan and I had the opportunity go to the Gala Celebration for USF last night and it was such a nice evening. We rarely have the chance to dress up and just spend time together. Our date started with a silent auction and a "meet and greet" with the Board of Governors for the Utah Shakespearean Festival. All the patrons and sponsors were there and it was nice to rub shoulders with a few of Dan's co-workers and superiors. I put our names down for a few of the items and packages being auctioned- but we were grossly outbid by others with MUCH deeper pockets. (I think Dan was actually relieved, but I was a little disappointed- They had some fun prizes!)
We then enjoyed a wonderful meal and conversation with the CEO and Regional Director of Zions, along with a few of Dan's friends and co-workers. There was a nice program with recognition for the sponsors and announcement of the winners from the silent auction. It was the first time since Dan switched jobs that I've got to meet anyone new and it was nice to put faces with the names of those he always talks about. I was quite proud of Danny and how far he's come in his field since we've been married. He is the youngest Commercial Relationship Manager in all of Zions Bank right now and I'm proud as punch. We felt a little out of place since the couple closest to us in age was a full 15 years older than us- but who's counting right?
We then were escorted over to the Randall L. Jones Theater on the SUU campus and got to enjoy the Gala Performance of "Fiddler on the Roof". It was a great play and something out of the ordinary for us. I can never drag Dan to anything "artsy fartsty" so it was nice that he HAD to go for work. He had never seen the play or movie- so it was great for him and although he'll never admit it, he enjoyed it. He even laughed...
What a nice Friday night date! I don't know if I can go back to our typical T.V. movie and popcorn on the couch...
I'm so proud of my Danny- He's doing so well and I can't wait to reap more rewards from his hard work! I love you Dan- Thanks for a lovely date night!


Katy said...

So glad you had such a nice time. I haven't been to any of the plays yet but I have 6 free tickets so that I can tell the patrons how great everything is when they ask me on my volunteer night. I lie and tell them everything is absolutely brilliant. Wish I could have watched the boys for ya. I miss them.

Also, holy crap you're blondie blonde!