Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not An Original Bone In My Body... Memory Lane Tag

So I'm totally copying you, Annie Karren, and doing the Memory Tag on my Blog as well. It's a cute idea- and I need some positive memories from people! I've been thinking of all the good memories of all my friends and family and can't wait to share. :)

1. Add a comment on my blog. Add one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a lot or a little, anything you remember.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your Blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, then I'll leave a memory of you in my comments.


Anonymous said...

Hollie I remember when you and Danny were dating and we went fishing. You Danny was driving you nuts but you were able to keep from killing him then and your still doing pretty good putting up with him now. I am glad your my sister in law. No one else could keep Danny in Check.

Annie said...

I'm so glad you copied (just like I copied everyone else!) so that I could write a favorite Hollie memory. I totally remember the one you mentioned on my blog, except I forgot about the Rhythym Nation bit . . . embarrassing. I also have a somewhat vague recollection of a trip we took to St. George and you and I spent the whole time together. I remember sleepovers in princess sleeping bags and remember being so sad to go home. I can't believe you always felt left out since you were in SG - because all I remember is just being so excited for family camp or any other time when you'd be around!

Katy said...

I remember when you were pregnant with Tucker and we were talking about baby names and you said you were considering Thad (Hi Thaddy Pants!) and since I'm me I maybe sorta made fun of the name Thad and you smacked me with a hair brush. That's when I knew we were friends and that I wasn't just a customer.

<3 you!

DannyHollie said...

Thanks Jimmy. Dan still drives me crazy but at least I'm smart enough to not go fishing with him anymore right? My best memory of you is when I was "touring" CEU for the 1st time and we stopped in at Hogi Yogi for lunch. You were so nice to me and my family and welcomed me to Price and I thought- "Okay- I can handle it here if everyone is friendly." Little did I know then that you'd end up being my Bro-In-Law. Crazy how life works out.

DannyHollie said...

Katy- I love you but you're never going to let me live that down are you? So I'm a little defensive about my boys names... My best memory of you is when you came into the Salon for the first time all scared and apprehensive about your hair. We spent the next few hours talking about all your Khaki horror stories and I promised to take care of you- And you've stuck with me for 5 years now? I haven't led you astray yet have I? I also cherish the memory of the Baby Shower you threw me for Tucker. It was so sweet and thoughtful and I felt so lucky to have such a good friend- Who else gets an awesome Diaper Cake? I count you as one of my closest friends and you know you're the only one I trust with my babies. Love your face!

DannyHollie said...

Holl Doll - I remember the time that we stayed with Dee and Kris for Thanksgiving and I was splashing water in your face in the pool and.....you grabbed my head and rammed it into the side of the pool and chipped my tooth and it hurt really bad. It was then that I learned that there was a new Sherriff in town. I haven't dared to mess with you since. I both love and fear you, not necessarily in that order all of the time...you're great! Todd

DannyHollie said...

Todd- I don't know how many times I can say sorry- but I really didn't mean to hit your face into the side of the pool- it was an accident!! But it did win me a little respect didn't it?
(Todd was at our house and using our computer when he answered my tag- I swear I'm not fabricating a memory. :))

DannyHollie said...

*For My Wife*
When Hollie and I were first dating, I had arranged to pick her up from her dorm at like 5:00 for a date, but I was watching an Atlanta Braves game and did not get there until after 7:00 p.m. (It was a really good game!) She was livid and called me out on the two hours late and demanded to know why I had stood her up for so long. Now, this might seem like a bad thing to most people, that she would lose her temper so early into a relationship, but this was the moment I realized that she was the woman I was going to marry. She is the only one that won't put up with my antics and is someone that calls me out when I'm in the wrong. She is always telling me "Be a Grown-Up Dan" and it makes me laugh. Most of all, though, she is someone that helps to keep me grounded. Hollie, You're the best half of me and the one person I can count on to tell me the truth about things. You are truly my best friend and the only person that will put up with my BS. (Hollie has since learned that if there is a good game on, I will still be late, but that she can now demand a phone call and a good explanation.) I love your face Hollie, and after 6 1/2 years with me, I hope you still love my face too.
Danny Pants

Heather said...

Hey Hollie, I'm glad someone else in the family has taken up blogging-it's fun huh? We need to get everybody else movin' on it. Now I'll know what's going on with your family. Both Sabrina and Brittany have one too. Take Care, Love, Heather
I'm just noticing that you are leaving comments on your own blog...funny. :)

Brady and Angie said...

Hollie!! I have so many memories but I think the one that stands out in my mind was meeting you for the first time and all my bridal hair!! Brady made my appointment (what a champion!!) for me and I came after work and you were such an amazing hairdresser and made my hair look so good and so I just knew that I wanted you to do my bridal and wedding hair! I didn’t think that I could find anyone to do my hair at 6:00 in the morning for bridal pictures and you did it and it look beautiful (not to mention all the compliments I received!!) Then my wedding date rolled around and you helped to calm my jitters and make me a pretty bride!! Luv ya!!