Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wrastlin' With Daddy

I love Dan. He is the funnest husband and Daddy. It is so fun to watch him grow into his role as Father. He truly loves his boys and wants only the best for them. He pushes them to develop and rough houses with them- They are braver with him and try harder things when he encourages them. Mama is an old softie and hates to do anything that makes them uncomfortable but Dan is helping them learn how to be little men. He has decided lately that he is going to raise wrestling boys and is now teaching them "the moves". Here's some cute pics of the boys "wrastlin'".

The Boys love playin' with their Daddy and can't stop giggling when he teases them. I just wish he wouldn't rile them up right before bedtime!!

Dan likes to dish it out- but after an hour or so of teasing the boys- He is exhausted. The good thing is they all sleep like angels after their "lessons".


Mindy said...

Hi Hollie! I didn't know you had a blog. It is so fun to stay caught up with family when you never get to see them. It sounds like Danny is alot like Eric. Garret will start wrestling next year! It kind of scares me growing up in a house full of girls, but what can you do. I see we have the same taste in backgrounds too!