Wednesday, August 13, 2008



This is a darling idea- I'm tagging everyone out there who has kids to see which side of the family they take after- Post pictures of you and your significant other along with your kids at the same ages and lets compare and contrast!

Can you guess which child is which in these Blessing Day pics? Even I have a hard time....

Not Really Even A Contest...
I thought this was a cute tag- but really kind of pointless in my case- My children all look exactly like their Father- but here's some cute pics anyways. Let me know what you think and who looks like who!

Daniel Vaughn, Tucker Vaughn and Hollie Diane at 3 years old.

Daniel Vaughn, Tate Daniel and Hollie Diane and 2 years old.

Daniel Vaughn, Thad Owen,and Hollie Diane at 6 months old.


hecklerwife said...

Ok, I absolutely cannot tell which blessing pic is Dan or Thad (I did get Tate and Tuck though). It is unbelievable how much your boys look like DAN!

Heather said...

You mike think they all look like Dan right now but it could change a little. I think all my kids are spencer's (hopefully they get Dian's pregnancy's) but I'm starting to see myself in Sabrina and sometimes Logan. And they could all take on your fun personality.