Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Peas in a Pod

So I finally got up the courage to put Tucker and Tate in the same room together. I think it's important for kids to share rooms and I didn't want the kids to get used to be alone for too long but I was worried that the boys wouldn't do well together or keep each other from sleeping. They have done remarkably well though. They do wake each other up occasionally but it's so fun to hear them laughing together and playing. I think it has made them better friends and even more inseparable than before. I haven't moved them into big boy beds yet because I value my sleep too much and think a good nights rest is more important than anything else, so I bought these awesome "Toddler Crib Tents" to keep them contained and to prevent midnight visitors. They love them and Tucker asks to go to bed now in his "Bed-Tent". I haven't ever had any problems with Tucker climbing out of his crib but Tate never wants to be anywhere he's supposed to be- so these are a lifesaver! It keeps all their stuffed animals and blankets contained as well. They used to love to throw out their lovies and taggie blankets on the floor and then whine for me to come pick them back up. This way they can't blackmail me into coming back into the room 50 times a night...I love to hear them giggling together- Tucker always laughs and says, "Tate- You're Funny!" They love to play Peek-A-Boo with each other and jump up and down inside their tents. I think this was an awesome discovery that will let me get a few more months good use out of their cribs... I also love knowing that they're safe and where they should be and can't get out by themselves. Peace of Mind is Priceless!


KristiBT said...

Hi Hollie! I'm not sure how I found you, but yea! Will you be at Burton camp? Cute boys!