Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Horsin' Around

I thought for sure that my boys would run screaming in the other direction at the sight of a big scary horse, but they must have a little cowboy blood in them. They LOVED the Horses and have talked about nothing else since their "hose-rides" as Tucker calls them. Tate keeps walking around the house asking "Horse-Pease?", as if I can magically make the horses reappear.

Dan is violently allergic to all things Horse, so I was a little nervous for the boys to be around them- but it looks like they got my constitution after all. Just in case, though, I had a bottle of Benedryl in my pocket ready to pour down either of their throats at the first sign of an attack...

Tucker was a little timid at first, scared that he would fall, but Tate was fearless, as usual. I had to pry them both off the horse after their turns were up!

The boys got to have the pony rides as part of a Birthday Party today and they were acting like spoiled brats. Zoe, the sweet Birthday girl, was happy to share and didn't fuss at all when she had to share her birthday pony rides, but "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" apparently applied to all toddlers attending. They were so excited to ride on the horses and go for pony rides that they screamed and threw fits when the other kids got their turns. It was all I could do to keep them from both going nuclear! We had to stand next to the horses for most of party and when the horses left with other riders, the boys took it as a personal insult.

I may have to save up for some cowboy boots and get 'em both a stick horse for Christmas this year. ( I don't think we have the room for an actual horse.)

Giddy Up!


Katy said...

Oh my gosh! I can't get over how grown up your boys look! Big giant kids! I'm so glad you set up the blog so I can see all the pictures of all the fun times you tell me about! And everything's so cute with all your widgets and stuff it's brilliant! And look! I'm your first official commentor. I'm the cats pajamas!

I love you and your family to pieces!

hecklerwife said...

Thanks for coming to the party. I'm so glad the boys enjoyed it so much! We need to get the kidlits together more often. Thanks again for all the gifts...as usual you are too good to Zo.