Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Madness!

We packed the kids and all our gear and headed out to Sheep Valley/Fish Lake for the 4th of July weekend. The weather was ideal and it was so nice to get out of the heat. It is beautiful up in the mountains and the fresh air did us all good.

I think Dan and the boys had a good time setting up camp- It's frustrating that everything goes up so quickly and then takes twice the time to tear down...
The boys loved the 4 wheelers and Rhino rides- I'm afraid we'll have to invest in a few of these as the boys get older. Tucker keeps asking for more rides on the "poor wheelers".

I'd like to say that I enjoy camping, but that would be a big fat lie. I've never particularly liked to camp- and now with the tent bursting at the seams with 3 play pens and ornery babies- It's less fun than ever. I love my comfy bed, indoor facilities and a fridge. Unfortunately, I realize that with 4 men in my life-Camping and Fishing and all things Outdoorsy are in my future. That being said, the boys loved being outside and getting dirty. It was fun to watch them explore and follow around the bigger cousins. This is the first time we've been out camping since Tuck was born and it was actually quite nice.

We loved seeing everyone and catching up with all the family. We haven't seen anyone for soo long! I'm a little bit of a hermit when I'm pregnant and huge- and I've basically been that way for the last 3 years...

It was fun to dress up the babies and get out to enjoy the holiday. If I can't have girls to play dress-up with, at least I can have cutesy matching outfits for my boys!! The boys loved waving the flags and being out in the sunshine. Happy 4th of July!

I have such good memories of the Burton Family Reunion and I'm glad I have pictures of another generation enjoying the Camp as well. These are the memories that make up a family- and whether I like it or not, camping is a big part of it.


KristiBT said...

It was great to see you and your cute little family! I'm glad you all came - I'm still trying to get the dirt out from under my fingernails! yea camping! I am showering for sure next year.

Annie said...

We're failures at Burton family camp these last few years. Sad that we missed you guys. Hopefully we'll have a reason to get together again soon. Loved seeing the pics of the fam. Can't believe your THREE darling boys. Love the matching outfits.