Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Child Of Mine

Thad is 4 1/2 months old now and I can't believe how fast time has flown!! We had our 4 month check-up and the poor baby got 4 shots. (Yes, I'm a little behind in the Doctor Appointments...) and needless to say, he is not a happy camper tonight. His chubby little legs are so tender, he just whimpers every time we pick him up, so we've got him doped up on Tylenol and Snuggles. The rest of his appointment was fine, though. He is a whopping 16 pounds now and is healthy and happy and has a GINORMOUS head just like his father!

Thaddy is such a good baby. He is so mellow and never makes a sound unless he's hungry or lonely. He squawks now when he feels he's being ignored & it's so cute the way he follows his big brothers around with his eyes. You can just tell that he wants to be big enough to play with them. He loves to engage anyone with his "baby speak" and will tell you a great story if you pay attention to him long enough. We truly lucked out with this 3rd boy. He is just as tender and sweet as Tucker but I think he'll be as strong and daring as Tate. So far- he's a great combination of his two older brothers. It's so fun to watch his personality deepen as he gets bigger. It's crazy to me that they all have such individual and obvious traits right from Birth- Where did they get them all from?

It's so amazing to watch him grow and develop. He is rolling over like crazy and I can't leave him anywhere he can fall off anymore. He is trying to sit up lately and it's so funny to watch his face when he's struggling to do his crunches. He loves to giggle and coo and has the most ticklish feet ever. He's getting some pretty strong legs and I think it's time to pull out the Exer-Saucer soon and let him get some exercise. He bats at everything and grabs anything within reach lately and loves to grab my earrings and hair. (OUCH!) The Doctor says that we can start him on rice cereal and it will be so fun to watch his face as we try to feed him.

I love this little man and I'm so grateful that he's a part of our family. I can't picture our family as complete without him. He brings such a sweet spirit into our home and is so fun to cuddle and love on. It breaks my heart that he's already so big- They really do grow up soo fast!


KristiBT said...

Ok...first glance I thought the fancy hippo bed was at your house. I guess I should READ then look at pictures. We hate baby shots too!