Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Tucker!

So I can't believe I have a 3 year old little man. I know it should be a celebration for him and of his life up to this point- but really I'm just baffled that I've been able to keep a child alive for 3 years. I can't even keep a fern alive...
Tucker is my sweet little man. He is tender and affectionate and emotionally intelligent beyond his years. He picks up on the mood of a room quicker than most adults and is always asking me "Momma- Are you Happy?" He loves to give hugs and cheesy smiles and turns to mush at a harsh tone. It really helps me to keep the hollering in check because anytime I do raise my voice, he says- "Don't yell Momma- It breaks my heart." I love this little boy. These past 3 years have gone so quickly. It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing our tiny 4 pound baby home from the hospital and now he's running around and getting so big. He is still barely 20 pounds but I love his little chicken legs and it lets me pretend he's a baby for a little longer. I've read that the heartbreak of parenting is that you're basically working yourself out of a job. The measure of a good mother is shown through strong, self-sufficient children who leave the nest- but I love my little Tucker-Bird and can't stand the thought of him getting any bigger! Having Tuck in our lives has been a true blessing and I can't wait to watch him grow- even if it does break my heart.