Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thad's Blessing Day May 4, 2008

I can't believe I just blessed my 3rd son. Dan did a wonderful job and said the sweetest things in the blessing for our little Thaddy. He always takes the time to really think about specific things he wants each child to blessed with and Thad was no different. Dan and I have felt from the beginning that Thad is a tender little man and so it was important to both of us that he be blessed with strength to face the world and not to let lifes disappoinments break his spirit. I worry that he will be broken by unkind words and deeds, so Dan also blessed him to always trust in his older brothers and to let them take care of him. The name Thad actually means "heart" or "gift of God"and he is our little sweetheart from Heaven. I couldn't ask for a more mellow and sweet natured son. Dan also blessed him a the knowledge of how much his mama loves him. What more could a child need than big protective brothers and a hovering overprotective mother?

It was great to have all the family here to celebrate the day and I only wish we could have had Eric in on the circle before he left on his mission. Jodi came down from Logan just to love on her nephews and Dan's parents came from Price. We are fortunate to have the first 3 grandsons on both sides of the family- so my boys get a lot of attention.

Dan's mother Vila, made Thad's little booties and Blessing Blanket as she has for each boy and I love that we have such special keepsakes for each boy. I have made it a point to assign a specific color to each boy for their blessing outfits. Tucker was Baby Blue, Tate was Navy Blue and Thad is Royal Blue. Heaven help us if we have another boy- there aren't that many blue options left! I try to even dress them in these specific blues - I know it's OCD but I like have a specific color and wardrobe for each child.

What a special day for us and our 3rd little boy. Now we just need to get him a baby brother to take care of!