Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday Best

We spent a nice Sunday after church at Gwandma Fawa and Gwandpa Woss's house- celebrating Tate's 3rd Birthday with them. It's kind of nice sometimes to have family a little further away. We get to spread out the Birthdays the whole month long- visiting both sides of the family and planning our own little parties. Tate was thrilled with his new school clothes and Wiggles DVD's from the Burton's and loved his cake even more. (mostly I think because Grandma let him sit on the "big people table" to blow out his candles. He wouldn't eat the cake but he loved the gross waxy frosting it was coated with and kept asking for more. I can't believe he's 3.

Then we got to spend the rest of the afternoon walking around the St. George temple with the kids and enjoying the sunshine. Tucker kept looking for "ramoni" on top of the temple (see picture below) and Tate kept trying to pick all the flowers right out of the flower beds. Thad as usual was an angel and was content to sit in his stroller clutching a pinecone Tucker found for him.
These last few weeks, Tuck was been singing "I Love to see the Temple" non-stop, and has been asking if he can go to the temple in his prayers every night if he's a good boy, so I thought we'd take it to the next level. He was very disappointed that the temple was "closed" and has decided we need to come back so we can say hello to Jesus. Oh- the minds of children. Love them.

It was a lovely day and made me thankful for my 3 darling blessings. What a lucky Mommy I am to have such sweet boys. and Danny.


Annie said...

I LOVE that picture of Tucker looking for ramoni! How cute is that?! What darling boys you have!

Jessica said...

Holly, why didn't I know you were having a baby?!!??!! What an exciting miracle for you! And how fun to be having a baby girl to add to your sweet boys. Wow- you are so close too!! Congrats- I need to stay in the loop a bit more!!! Sorry for the majorly delayed check-in! Love you!